Thursday, March 22, 2007

Language of Dreams

Jeff Ginger | Art Studio 444 | 02.13.2007


Wow, so I felt bad not having a lot to say about the last one, this is a whole new ballgame. I can't honestly find anything insightful, controversial or otherwise profound about this article. I mean okay it's interesting to see the interplay of language and and character use to form meaning in Japanese and Chinese, but how much do these relate to interface for a designer who intends to work with English? I can think of clever compositions like the flash project where sleep would evade the cursor to symbolize a meaning, but this doesn't seem all that accessible, practical or intuitive. Maybe I'm too pragmatic minded. In general I like the concept of rebus - and dream interpretation would be a wonderful study worth exploring - but do we really want to create web and computer interfaces that must be explored and interpreted like dreams? I guess this would be interactive art, certainly. I just don't think this way. Linguistics don't strike me as the fabric of interactive art.

Questions for Further Study

  • Could ascii art (and yeah that 733t hAx0r crap) construct a sort of interactive art of typography/pictography? Maybe meaning out of the pictures constructed and also in the text that constructs the pictures themselves?

  • Could someone construct a rather funny parody on symbols and interpretations? Maybe a political one?